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 Vernon Echo/IRLP Status

Granville Echo/IRLP Status

KB1AEV Weather General Information about the Linked System Repeater Information Coverage Maps For Repeaters AA1HD Brandmeister DMR


System Usage Schedule


Pictures of the linked system and those that made it possible Sponsors and links


D-STAR User Registration
D-STAR Group


Contact Information
Repeater Coordination Information




If you need to contact any of the repeater owners or control operators, feel free to use the appropriate contact information as listed below:


Dana Underhill (KB1AEV)- KB1AEV at ARRL dot NET - Linked System Owner/Repeater Owner - AA1HD D-Star Administrator

Rod Lane (N1FNE) - N1FNE at ARRL dot NET - Linked System Owner / Control Operator

Paul Gibson (N1TUP) - N1TUP at ARRL dot NET - Repeater Trustee / Control Operator

Jason Bosquet (N7PRD) - N7PRD at ARRL dot NET - Repeater Trustee / Control Operator

Bob LaFlamme (W1SQ) - W1SQ at ARRL dot NET -Providing WEB Site hosting and Administration - AA1HD D-Star Administrator



©2008, KB1AEV, Dana Underhill, All Rights Reserved.
The Linked Repeater System of Connecticut is a service mark of KB1AEV Dana Underhill