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 Vernon Echo/IRLP Status

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Echo/IRLP is also available on a 24/7 basis. The EchoLink node is 147345 and the IRLP node is 4395. Use of IRLP is restricted. Please contact Dana, KB1AEV for the access code to IRLP.

When connecting via EchoLink please do not hesitate to announce your call sign as there may be traffic on the repeaters and the distant links may not hear the EchoLink announcement. For EchoLink help please visit the EchoLink Web Site.

As with any large link system please remember to key your microphone and pause for a second or two before speaking to ensure that all the links are up and transmitting so that others will hear you.

Courtesy Beeps:

A word of two on the courtesy beeps that you hear on the repeater system. If you hear a single beep when a station un-keys, this indicates that the station is on the same repeater or repeater location that you are on. However when you hear a double beep (the letter I dit-dit in CW) when a station un-keys this indicates the station is on a remote location (Repeater) in the " Linked Repeater System".

Should you hear a letter "D" in CW (da-dit-dit) this indicates the the repeater is in the de-linked mode.

Should you hear a letter "B" in CW (da-dit-dit-dit) this indicates that the repeater is operating on emergency battery power, The "hang time" (the amount of time the repeater transmits after you un-key) is also changed to one second to conserve battery capacity instead of the normal 3 seconds when on normal A-C street power.




©2008, KB1AEV, Dana Underhill, All Rights Reserved.
The Linked Repeater System of Connecticut is a service mark of KB1AEV Dana Underhill